Part A
What you mean by
Teaching skills ?
What is Fact ?
Define the term
commerce education
Point out any
two merits of Objective type questions
5. Mention
any two values that can be developed among commerce students.
6. Give two
specifications under the objective application
7. Define
Micro Teaching.
8. Write down
the pre requisites for learning the
topic Business Ethics
9. Point out
any two merits of objective type question.
10. Mention
the significance of question wise analysis
11. Frame a
creative assignment for the topic ‘Sources of finance’
12. What you mean by year plan ?
13. Mention the use of question wise analysis
14. List out the objective comes under Psychomotor
15. What you mean by Focusing ?
Part B
16. Enumerate
the process skills involved in learning the topic Basic Accounting Cycle
17. Frame four
multiple choice questions to test the ability of understanding from the topic
‘Kinds of shares’.
18. Write four
institutional objectives on the topic ‘Preparation of Bank Reconciliation
19. Write down
the subunits come under the unit Internal Trade.
20. What is
contra entry?
21. Give four specifications of the objective
22. Frame two assignments for the topic Private
23. Frame four objective type questions for the topic
Fixed shop retailers
24. List out the different aims of teaching commerce at
higher secondary level
25. What you mean by Pedagogic Analysis ?
26. In What
ways you should review the topic Sole Proprietorship Business.
27. What is
remedial teaching?
28. What are
the aims of teaching commerce?
29. List out the core teaching skills of commerce
30. Write four instructional objectives for the topic
public sector enterprise
31. Explain the term Remedial Teaching
32. Suggest
the learning activities which can be given to the students while teaching the
topic ‘Co-operative society
33. Skills are
the reflections of the competency of a teacher. Explain any one core skill from
the point of view of commerce teaching
34. What do
you mean by reserves and provisions? How would you make students to distinguish
between reserves and provisions?
35. Suggest the learning activities which can be given
to the students while teaching the topic Functions of whole sellers
36. With the
help of a chart how will you explain the topic “Role of profit in business
37. Describe
the steps in Herbertian approach in Lesson planning
38. Briefly
explain the Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy.
39. Explain the values of teaching commerce at higher
secondary level
40. What is the different steps in unit plan ?
41. What are the different types of test items ?
42. Write down
the curricular objectives, learning activities, instructional strategies and instructional
aides used for teaching the topic “Depreciation and its methods
43. Develop a
Lesson Plan on the topic “Partnership- Meaning and Features
44. What are the different steps that will you adopt for
preparing an achievement test ?
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